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Antillean foresters advocate for greater incursion into the tourism market .

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The agroforestry company in the municipality of Antilla works hard to meet its production indicators. However, sometimes these have been affected by issues beyond the entity's control, and a clear example of this is the production of charcoal. In a dialogue with Ernesto Cabrera Ávila, its director, he said that "this exportable line has decreased because many hectares that were exploited for this purpose have been used for the construction of infrastructure associated with the Ramón tourist center. Another problem in this sense is that the specialized force that used to live near the work environment, moved their residence to the popular council # 1, 20 km away from the area, which makes it difficult to attend the furnaces and all the process that derives from them".

However, there are several alternatives that the unit is looking for today to achieve a financial balance. "Working partnerships with the tourism sector itself contemplate: gardening services and sale of charcoal, freeing areas for future buildings and reforestation in the surroundings of their facilities when they demand it, just to mention a few examples. The benefits of nature tourism is another of the potentialities that are being managed today, because "the territory has two ideal areas for this: El Júcaro for its wealth of history and the area located between El Ramón and Canalito, which constitutes an ecological treasure".

Regarding forestry, they have a plan to promote 20 hectares of timber trees and 10 hectares of fruit trees, with emphasis on coconut, most of which will be used for tourism.

In dialogue with the workers, they expressed their full support for each of the decisions that today are transforming the socialist state enterprise, a chain in which they are fundamental links, for the better.

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