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I still remember in a clear way those exquisite literature classes that Professor Pedro taught us. It seemed as if he was directing a time machine to remote epochs to find authors and works distinguished by their genius. Such was the case with Fuenteovejuna by Lope de Vega, a play of the Spanish Golden Age. Towards the distant 1613 our group departed, and we arrived at the town of Cordoba, where among all, they stoned their Commander for the crimes committed. Although numerous lawyers tried to clarify the matter, to the question: "Who killed the Commander?", they inevitably answered: "Fuenteovejuna, Lord" ..... "And who is Fuenteovejuna?" ..... "All together". No one could ever be blamed, and the play became a symbol of unity against injustice and abuse, wielding such an ancestral weapon as solidarity.

I live in the Fuenteovejuna of the 21st century, an island whose paths were guided, since 1959, by a "Comendador" whom "everyone loved as one". Of course, he had his detractors, but there were not enough of them to throw a stone, and when they tried, his moral vest boomeranged on them.

Even today, 7 years after his departure, there are still those who deny the greatness of our leader, those who insult him, those who vilify his deeds, those who incite to stone him.... but it has been impossible for them, they are not Fuenteovejuna.... They are not all at once... By these coincidences of life, our "Comendador" today lies inside a stone, which is difficult to treasure so much greatness. Fuenteovejuna itself placed him there, Fuenteovejuna itself fired him, Fuenteovejuna itself mourned him, Fuenteovejuna itself exalted him......

And if it still occurs to someone who does not understand Literature or History, to ask: "WHO THANKS, WHO WORSHIPS, WHO IMITATES THE COMENDADOR?" the unanimous answer will follow: "FUENTEOVEJUNA, SIR!!!"

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