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A party to celebrate life.

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For Felix Lopez Quiñones and his wife Yoennis Aguilera there is nothing more important than a child. They are a kind of magicians, who with good illusionism, made smiles appear on many children's faces. Mileydis Leyva Mora, a happy grandmother who appreciates the kindness of these special beings, organizers of a beautiful party for pediatric patients who live in Deleyte, assures me: "In the activity there were clowns, balloons, candies, gifts and even a delicious lunch. The children had a wonderful time.

The party was held in the restaurant next to the hotel El Tráfico, with the collaboration of its workers...and here I stop to emphasize that they provide a service of Excellence. "All the resources were donated by Felix, and on behalf of the family I thank him for such a noble gesture worthy of recognition". I inquire about who he is and they explain to me that he is an outstanding producer of the CCS "Ramón Siam Portelles" and that he has also worked for many years in the gastronomy sector. "The best of the best as a worker and human being", say those who know him. At his side Yoennis, who since the idea was conceived, put all his efforts to materialize it. An army of collaborators contributed their grain of sand, and special mention should be made of Barbara Cabrales, the beloved clown Alegrina.

Today, when the lives of Cubans are becoming more complex due to the many daily shortages, there are people like Felix and Yoennis who remind us that love redeems, and so easily restore our faith in that better world that is possible.

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