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Culture, sword, shield and nation....

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Photo: Municipal event to commemorate the anniversary.

Considered by Fidel as "shield and sword of the nation", culture has become a powerful instrument to safeguard the Cuban identity. With a broad spectrum that encompasses all artistic and cultural manifestations, every December 14 this sector in the municipality of Antilla wields different reasons to celebrate. The first one is the birthday of Raúl Gómez García, assailant and martyr of the Moncada, poet of the Centennial Generation and author of the poem "Ya estamos en combate" (We are already in combat). In the local context there are several reasons, all based on a cultural policy that contributes to the proper ethical and aesthetic education of the population.

With a totally inclusive character, today the Antilleans working in this sector have reached the 7 districts, with emphasis on the communities prioritized in the political map of the territory. One of the leading roles in this sense is played by the fixed space "Culture in my Neighborhood", promoter of community work par excellence. Other offers such as "PentArte", "La Tarde del Bolero", "La Noche de la Rumba" or "Entre Poemas y Canciones", just to mention a few, are programmed to reach all age groups and population sectors.
Not everything is rosy in the municipality with respect to this issue, however, in the face of every problem that arises, solutions are not long in coming, and it cannot be otherwise because these men and women advocate for excellence every day. The inhabitants, for their part, thank those who spread the Antillean idiosyncrasy through culture and art, so that together we can achieve the better Antilla we want... and can achieve.

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